
Benefits Realisation 

Create more value through projects
Akademisk Forlag

5 October 2015

How a close link between benefit realisation and change management can create more value faster.

Benefit realisation is a book about how to create more impact, more value and thus generate more profit in our change projects. It is a practical book focusing on behavioural change as the prerequisite for benefit realisation, and the ambition is to create a close link between change management and benefit realisation.

The practically oriented sections of the book are authored by Rasmus Rytter and Jesper Lind, both consultants at Implement Consulting Group. This part of the book has been formed over a period of several years through their work with change management and benefit realisation in Danish private and public organisations. During that time, the tools, methods and approach have been constantly modified in order to make benefit realisation easy to understand and use.

Associate Professor Per Svejvig from Aarhus University has contributed with a broader perspective on benefit realisation by combining experience, theory and usability.

The book is tailored to people working professionally with projects, meaning project managers and project and steering committee members. The goal is to inspire them to use the framework and tools in the book to run projects that create impact fast.

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