
A reboot of the single market

11 recommendations for the Swedish EU Presidency

23 November 2022

In an era of increasing geopolitical tensions, re-evaluation of global value chains and a global economy heading towards recession, the single market is key to securing growth and resilience of the EU economy.

Key findings of the study

This report aims to inspire the Government of Sweden to push for an ambitious reboot of the single market during its EU Presidency.

Based on a survey of Swedish SMEs, interviews and a detailed literature survey, the report identifies 11 specific and impactful policy initiatives that can help strengthen the effective functioning of the single market.

  1. Adopt an ambitious single market strategy
  2. Strengthen SOLVIT by establishing a single market ombudsman in every EU Member State and commit SOLVIT to act more proactively on structural cases and to raise awareness
  3. Conduct a data flow test of all existing and new EU regulation
  4. Upgrade the European Semester to include recommendations for how to harmonise implementation of EU regulation and close the compliance gap
  5. Strengthen the use of the Better Regulation Toolbox by integrating implementation into the design of new regulation and consistently respecting impact assessment requirements
  6. Map and remove regulatory barriers to trade in climate goods and services within the single market
  7. Design the digital European product passport in a way that makes the circular work of businesses easier
  8. Create a one-stop shop to the extended producer responsibility (EPR) systems of Member States
  9. Create a single VAT ID and extend the VAT one-stop shop
  10. Recognise digital labelling as a true substitute for physical labelling
  11. Create conditions for the development of easy, fast, reliable and low-cost cross-border payments for both euro and non-euro payments

In combination, the 11 recommendations provide a road map for a stronger and more united single market, leaving the detailed policy development and implementation to the responsible EU institutions.

Background of the study

The report was commissioned by Amazon and conducted by Implement Consulting Group as an independent assessment of how further integration of the single market can support growth and resilience in the EU. The work is supported by an advisory group composed of representatives from Svenskt Näringsliv, Företagarna and Amazon.

As part of the study, a survey was conducted among members of Företagarna, and the survey results represent perspectives of Swedish small and medium-sized firms doing business in the single market.

Get the full report

Get the Implement Consulting Group study commissioned by Amazon with 11 recommendations for the Swedish EU Presidency to reboot the Single Market.

Download the full report

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